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What is a good commercial degreaser

In the dynamic realm of commercial kitchens, you ask yourself"What is a good commercial degreaser for upholding a spotless and grease-free setting.

This holds paramount importance, not only for safety but also for efficiency.

The selection of an optimal kitchen degreaser assumes a pivotal role in accomplishing this mission.

At SIMIX we recognize the significance of handpicking the finest kitchen degreaser to meet your commercial kitchen's distinctive requirements.

In this exhaustive guide, we will lead you through the essential aspects to deliberate when selecting a kitchen degreaser, one that not only efficiently eradicates grease but also upholds a pristine workspace.

The Significance of a Premium Kitchen Degreaser

nothing-cuts-grese-like-simixSimix safely cuts grease with no fumes

A kitchen degreaser serves as more than just a cleaning solution – it emerges as a critical instrument that guarantees the seamless operation of your commercial kitchen.

commercial kitchen picture equipmentSimix is safe and effective on all your equipment

The accumulation of grease not only poses health risks but also impedes the efficiency of appliances, potentially resulting in breakdowns and costly repairs. By investing in a top-tier kitchen degreaser, you not only assure the safety of your personnel and patrons but also     extend the longevity of your kitchen equipment.

Recognizing Your Kitchen's Prerequisites

Before delving into the diverse array of  uses of Simix kitchen degreaser sanitizer, conducting a thorough assessment of your kitchen's exclusive demands stands as a crucial step. Factors such as cooking volume, surface types, and the extent of grease accumulation warrant consideration. This initial evaluation will direct you towards selecting Simix as your one stop solution for not only grease but all surfaces in your restaurant including,glass,floors,cutting boards,tables tops and a degreaser tailor-made to suit your kitchen's specific requisites.

Solvent-Based Degreasers:

Solvent-Based Degreasers: These degreasers incorporate potent chemicals that effectively disintegrate stubborn grease and grime but are also unsafe.

They prove ideal for robust cleaning tasks, though adequate ventilation is essential due to their potent fumes.

Simix has no fumes or or hazardous chemicals. It is safe on hands and plants.

We get it. You need a clean greaseless store,so sometimes you are sacrificing safety. You do not have to do that with simix.

Selecting the Ideal Degreaser for Your Kitchen

Surface Compatibility:


 Distinct surfaces within your kitchen necessitate distinct degreasers.

Simix harmonizes with the materials you intend to clean, encompassing stainless steel, tiles, countertops,floors,hvac,concrete virtually any surface in your store.

You will never have to say to yourself again "Is this safe for this surface?"

With simix cleaner you will know without a doubt that it is safe.

 Distinct surfaces within your kitchen necessitate distinct degreasers.

Simix harmonizes with the materials you intend to clean, encompassing stainless steel, tiles, countertops,floors,hvac,concrete virtually any surface in your store.

You will never have to say to yourself again "Is this safe for this surface?"

With simix cleaner you will know without a doubt that it is safe.

Degreasing Potency

Evaluate  Simix the degreaser's strength and economical benefits  by scrutinizing its dilution ratio.

There is not one product on the market today that can match Simix economical benefits.

Watch this testimonial here or visit the testimonial page


What is a good commercial degreaser?

One that has A higher  dilution ratio signifies heightened cleaning power, a pivotal factor when dealing with stubborn grease buildup.

With Simix cleaner you can make over 140 gallons of all purpose degreaser for all surfaces.

Safety Precautions: Prioritize your staff's safety by opting for degreasers that are non-toxic and generate no fumes. If opting for solvent-based alternatives, guarantee adequate ventilation.

Optimal Application Techniques

To achieve optimal outcomes, adhere to these steps when utilizing Simix kitchen degreaser:

  1. Dilute the degreaser as per the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Apply the solution generously onto greasy areas and allow it to sit for a few moments.
  3. Employ a scrub brush or scouring pad to agitate and dislodge the grease.
  4. Efface the solution and grease with clean, damp cloths.
  5. Thoroughly rinse surfaces to eliminate any residual remnants.

Sustaining and Preventing

While an effective kitchen degreaser proves invaluable, adopting preventative measures can substantially curtail grease buildup over time:

  • Routinely cleanse surfaces post each use to avert grease accumulation.
  • Enforce a consistent schedule for deep cleaning, targeting inaccessible regions.
  • Educate your kitchen staff on appropriate cleaning methodologies to perpetuate a hygienic environment

What is a good commercial degreaser?

One that also sanitizes

This cutting-edge degreaser, fortified with photocatalytic properties, stands as the ultimate solution for all surfaces in your restaurant. Its remarkable efficacy in breaking down tenacious grease and grime is complemented by its environmentally friendly composition. Simix's prowess extends to being safe on skin, ensuring a thorough clean without compromising safety.

Also Simix saves precious space. 

Imagine one bag that can be diluted as needed or in five gallon jugs.

You will save so much space as compared to multiple boxes or jugs